
We believe Americans have a right, and an obligation, to protect themselves, their family, and property from a tyrannical government, and other threats of harm.


(2015) Senate Bill 0442 

Eric Holder on Brainwashing the American People
January 25, 2016

He said, "We have to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.”  Information here.

Thoughts on Obama's Executive Order on Gun Control
January 11, 2016

Here are a couple articles on Obama's executive action on gun control. Was this first step just a test to see how much of an uproar the people would make? It seems that he will keep going after American's guns until we stop him. He makes these illegal "laws" a little at a time until we force him to stop. If congress won't do it on their own, we've got to hound them until they do! Obama continues to raise a smokescreen to divert people's attention from the fact that the main purpose of Americans arming themselves is to protect against a rogue government, not criminals!

The Federalist Papers article: 5 Things You Need to Know about Obama's Gun Control Orders
Red State article: 5 Things to know about Obama's Executive Action on Guns

Obama goes after U.S. guns 8 times more than ISIS
January 11, 2016

Read the Washington Examiner's article on how Obama's new gun control force will be 8 times larger than the Pentagon's ISIS team.  Article here.

California's New Gun Confiscation Law
January 11, 2016

How one angry person who complains to a sympathetic police officer can now have a person's guns confiscated. Read about it here.

The Problem with Stricter Gun Laws
Posted December 5, 2015

I recently saw a news conference with a room full of reporters interviewing President Obama's press secretary. The reporters seemed baffled that Obama could still think we need stricter gun control laws in light of the recent terrorist attack in San Bernardino. The press secretary defended the president's position and even asked the reporters a question. He said that they know for a fact that the terrorists in this incident obtained the guns legally, so what do they think about that? I didn't hear any of the reporters answer, but the answer is not to impose stricter gun laws. The fact that these Islamic terrorists obtained the guns legally shows just how far they have infiltrated our society. They are living among us. This means we need to encourage as many citizens as possible to purchase and carry guns. We need to defend our homeland. If the government makes it more difficult to obtain guns, the terrorists will simply purchase them illegally. It goes back to the old saying, "If guns are outlawed then only outlaws will have guns." These people are murderers, do you think they care about gun control laws! With all due respect, Mr. President, we need to encourage the American citizens to purchase and carry weapons, not discourage them, and by all means we should never make it more difficult. Our founding fathers were well aware of the fact that it is the duty of the American citizens to defend our country--with guns if necessary.

Patriot Nurse Video: Carry your gun.
Ted Cruz: Americans now more than ever must be armed

CAIR Sues Florida Gun Owner-Federal Court Dismisses Suit
Posted November 30, 2015

The Florida gun shop owner who was sued by the Muslim terrorist connected group CAIR has had the case against him dismissed. A win for second amendment rights!
AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel Robert Muise commented:
 “As our motion and now the court’s ruling make clear, CAIR’s lawsuit was patently frivolous if not outright dangerous. No firearms dealer or gun range owner for that matter should be required to sell weapons to or train anyone that the dealer or owner has reason to believe is a terrorist threat. We all have a civic responsibility to prevent the next terrorist attack. CAIR’s lawsuit was an effort to prevent business owners from doing so.”
Read the whole article here
Original article about the lawsuit: Hamas linked CAIR suing

Gun Safety or Gun Control?
Posted May 19, 2015

State Rep. Jim Townsend (D-Royal Oak) has introduced legislation that would put more restrictions on gun ownership. The title of the Oakland Press Article by John Turk and the slant of the article itself make it sound like it's a good thing. Who wouldn't want gun safety? However, it's not about "safety, common sense, and making sure that we are doing what we can to prevent needless tragedies" as he says in the article. It's about taking away our second amendment rights and losing more of the freedom our founding fathers knew we would need. It's about taking away or restricting our resources of protection.

Oakland Press Article
Open Carry Blog

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