Common Core / Education

Common Core is a socialist indoctrination of our children, as well as an attempt to "dumb down" future generations and must be banned.

(2015) HB-4498 (This bill puts disturbing requirements on homeschoolers. see "Speak up against Common Core" below)
Red State blog by Neil Stevens regarding HB-4498

Common Core Explained
Posted June 1, 2015

What is going on with the Common Core curriculum in over 40 states, including Michigan is quite alarming. We are losing our children to the government if we do not stand up against this!

Dr Duke Common Core video: long version 
Dr. Duke video: 5 minute intro

Stop Common Core in Michigan Website

Common Core: The Government's classroom (video)
Family Research Council position on Common Core
Common Core Nonsense

Speak up against Common Core
Posted June 4, 2015

Everyone in Michigan needs to speak up on this one. State Representative Stephanie Chang (D-Detroit) has introduced a bill which would require parents who homeschool their children to only be allowed to do so if they have their children meet with a  "professional" twice a year. It lists a number of acceptable professionals. The issue here is that parents will not be allowed to homeschool unless this is done. This is a giant step backward for parental rights.

This bill is one of many attempts that have been surfacing recently to take away parental rights and replace it with governmental control. The fact that they are targeting homeschoolers proves the intent to be that if you will not allow your kids to be subject to the indoctrination of the likes of Common Core in public schools, then they will require twice a year monitoring by professionals, (look for stricter requirements on what these professionals will be required to report, and restrictions placed on how they will be allowed to "counsel" your child). Remember Justina Pelletier?

This bill is not just a concern for homeschoolers, but for all parents, and for all citizens who are concerned about governmental interference in raising our children. To quote Neil Stevens,
" The idea that homeschoolers are the ones at risk, and need to be protected from their parents, while kids in public schools need no protection, just comes from the big government love the modern Democrats have." and "The presumption is that kids must be submitted to government indoctr… er, schooling, unless parents jump through hoops to demand otherwise.
They may say they are looking out for the best interests of the children all they want, but God, and America's founding fathers, designed for children to be raised in families, without interference from the government. Write your state representatives today concerning both Michigan 2015 HB 4498 and Common Core.

To find your state legislatures:
Click on "Your Voter Information" to find out your congressional districts from the Michigan Secretary of State website. Once on that page, you will need to put in your voter information by name or drivers license number and click search. Then click on the plus sign (+) next to "My Voter District Information" and you will see a list of all of your county and state district numbers, as well as your local voting precinct information. Click on the Michigan State Legislatures link for your State Representative's contact information. Michigan State Legislatures

Common Core is All About the Money
January 25, 2016

Personally, I think it also about a socialist agenda, but read the article here about a textbook publisher rep who was fired after admitting it's just about the money--not the kids. Information here.

Every Student Succeeds Act
Posted December 14, 2015

President Obama just signed this into law. This act replaces the "No Child Left Behind" act. It's not such a good thing. Stop ESSA Today

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